Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life in the Institution

We had a great holiday here in the Ekins Institution. Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve was at Brannan's parents' house. New Years we headed on over to Stansbury for some Emily and James Logan Fun! I'm hoping next year we can visit my family during the holidays because I miss them and their random traditions :)

Fiona is still with us, and she knows exactly how to make me smile. After a long hard day working as a slave, I find it a relief to have such a happy homecoming everyday. She is ALWAYS happy to see me and Brannan.

Brannan and I are both still working at ATI as cleaners. Hopefully, though, Brannan is supposed to be getting a job at ATI to work in the plant creating titanium. This job has a lot of potential, so everyone cross your fingers!

Ok, so now I have to brag on Brannan a bit. Back in November, I asked for a washing machine for Christmas because he hates buying presents, so I figured if I asked for something sensible and practical, he would be ok with it, that way I would get a washer I needed, and also get a Christmas present. We got our washer, and I was happy with just having a washer for Christmas because it was expensive. Well December came and one of Brannan's jerk friends was telling him that giving me a washer wasn't a Christmas present, and that he's a jerk for believing so. I was blown away that he actually took his jerk friend's advice on the spirit of Christmas, b/c I'd been telling him all along...but that's how it goes sometimes. So, that night, Brannan told me I was allowed to put up a tree, decorate it, and buy presents for everyone. I was so shocked at his attitute change! I wasted no time in doing all that. One week before Christmas, Brannan came to me and told me he had a question to ask, and that he wasn't happy about it. I, being me, freaked out at the possibilities. Instead, the subject knocked me off my feet in a good way. He had been contemplating on what to buy me for Christmas, and had to ask to make sure I would like it. I hadn't given any thought my presents because I thought I'd already gotten washer. Apparently his jerk friend touched him more than I thought. We ended up buying a treadmill for the both of us because we both love to run. But the giving didn't stop there. After Christmas, I was talking to my dad about his cool iPad, and how you could talk to people on a phone call, but face to face. I got all excited b/c I had an iPod, but instantly realized that mine was an older version that didn't have a camera in it. All the while, Brannan was listening to our conversation. The next day, Brannan asked me what color iPod I planned on buying with my Christmas money, and I said white...then he grinned and said he bought one for me. I cried and wondered why I deserved an iPod, and he said he wanted me to be able to talk to my family from Mississippi face to face. He is a wonderful wonderful man, and I'm so glad he's mine.

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